Kerillian Shade Build

< Shade
  1. Kerillian Shade Build Kits
  2. Vermintide 2 Builds
  3. Warhammer Vermintide 2 Kerillian Shade Build
  4. Best Kerillian Shade Build
  5. Kerillian Shade Build

Mar 19, 2018 - Class WayStalker The waystalker is the most complete class for Kerillian. Damage, Wave Clear, Survivability and Team Support. Most players don't fully understand the potential of the Waystalker, it's probably the worst class for bossfights but the best for the rest. Kerillian: Shade is one of the playable hero variants Rascals made for Warhammer: Vermintide II, Fatshark's award-winning co-op meelee action published by Games Workshop. This elf is one of the ever-bickering ensamble of ragtag heroes that fight against the hordes of the rat-like Skaven and their sinister allies from the Chaos faction. The worst and most annoying that could happen, is a Kerillian player wasting healing when he could just survive off the health regen (and parrying correctly!!) Team Support - With the right bow you can offer a lot of support to your team, slaying most of the special and armored enemies! This is Kerillian's main role! Kill the annoying enemies!

  • 3Build Skeleton

General Playstyle[edit | edit source]

As a melee based utility career, Shade should either focus on melee combat. Depends on your choice of weapon, you should focus on killing Elites or Horde Mobs first. And always utilize your career skill in deleting high threat enemies (multiple Elites inside horde, high threat specials). When there is a Boss on the field, If you are using a build with Dual Daggers/Sword and Dagger, focus on it as soon as possible. If you are using a build with other melee weapons, clear the roaming mobs around your range DPS, help other melee career deal with Specials, and then start damaging the Boss.

Recommended Range Weapon Choice[edit | edit source]

All range weapons except Swiftbow are very viable on Shade. However it is still useable on Legend and lower difficulty.

Properties&TraitRatling Gunner/Warpfire ThrowerGutter RunnerPackmasterPoison Wind Globadier/Blightstormer/LifeleechMisc
LongbowPower vs Skaven & Armored

Conservative Shooter

One shot-bodyshot with charged arrowOne charged arrow + one quick arrow on body
SwiftbowPower vs Skaven & Monster

Power vs Armoured on the charm


Two shot-headshot with charged arrowTwo shot-bodyshot with quick arrowFour shot-bodyshot with quick arrowsRecommend to use Level 20 talent Bloodfletcher
Hagbane ShortbowPower vs Chaos & Infantry


Two shot-bodyshot with charged arrowOne shot-bodyshot with charged arrowTwo shot-bodyshot with quick


Volley CrossbowPower vs Monster & Crit Chance


Three shot-bodyshot/One volleyTwo shot-bodyshotThree shot-bodyshot/One volley

Build Skeleton[edit | edit source]

Boss killer build[edit | edit source]


This build is meant for high Boss damage.

With this build, you should utilize your high movement speed from your talent and high dodge ability of your weapon to focus on Elites, while providing some necessary crowd control/horde killing power from your Hagbane Shortbow. When there is a boss on the field, stack Barrage with your Hagbane Shortbow then use you career skill to kill it fast. Even without career skill, Hagbane Shortbow itself can do tremendous Boss damage.

Kerillian Shade Build Kits

The core talent of this build is Level 10 talent Exploit Weakness and Level 25 talent Spring-Heeled Assassin. Exploit Weakness increase most of your damage since your dagger attacks and apply bleed and Hagbane Shortbow applies poison. Especially when you don’t have your career skill, Hagbane Shortbow + Exploit Weakness have huge damage potential. Spring-Heeled Assassin gives you super mobility to adjust your position and look for backstab opportunity.

Kerillian Shade Build

Recommend to use Dual Daggers/Sword and Daggers and Hagbane Shortbow. If you decide to use other range weapons change Level 10 talent to Cruelty.

Frontliner build[edit | edit source]


This build is meant for a frontline playstyle.

With this build, you should serve your team as a melee frontline DPS, try to funnel enemies in front of you rather than try to dodge and lose aggro and backstab. And you can still use your career skill to delete Elites mixing in the horde, kill high threat specials safely, or deal a good amount of Boss damage.

The core talent of this build is Level 10 talent Cruelty and Level 25 talent Blood Drinker. Cruelty can increase your damage against all types of units, and Blood Drink can provide necessary damage reduction for a frontline playstyle.

Vermintide 2 Builds

Recommend to use Sword and Dagger/Dual Sword.

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If your deck or patio gets a bit too sunny or hot for comfort, it's probably time to add some shade and make spending time there more enjoyable. There are many ways you can add shade to your deck or patio without having to own expensive tools or having prior building experience.

Warhammer Vermintide 2 Kerillian Shade Build

With Kee Klamp, it's possible to build all sorts of shade structures using just a few basic tools (such as a drill and an Allen Wrench). Kee Klamp fittings are similar to traditional threaded pipe fittings, yet they connect by sliding over pipe and tightening down a set screw on the fitting.

This make them easier to use than traditional threaded pipe fittings. This also allows for adjustabiltiy and with over 80 different types of Kee Klamp fittings, you can build just about any type of structure imaginable.

To show that you can build your own DIY shade structure for your patio or deck, in this post we've compiled 10 ideas built by our customers using Kee Klamp fittings. These ideas include shade sails, umbrellas, awnings, trellis structures, and more. Take a look:

  1. DIY Shade Sail

  2. This first idea comes to us from Bob in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Bob built this custom 20 ft. shade sail for the deck attached to the back of his house. The shade sail also doubles as trellis and features a wire grid on one side. The fittings used in this project include the Single Socket Tee, Side Outlet Elbow, Flange, Wall Flange, Single Sided Clip, and Double Sided Clip

    The clips are used to attach the wire grid to the pipe uprights. For an in-depth look at this project and the fittings used, visit the full project write up here.

  3. Dual Umbrella Support

  4. This project was built by Patrick in Napa, California. It features dual umbrellas held in place by a custom stand built from Kee Klamp fittings. Patrick had trouble finding stands that would support more than more umbrella, so he decided to build his own. The stand makes use of the Single Swivel Socket, the Adjustable Swivel Socket, the Double Swivel Socket, and the Single Socket Tee.

  5. Covered Patio with Pipe Accents

  6. This customer built an entire shaded patio out of wood then used Kee Klamp fittings and pipe to created awning 'accents'. To do this, the Swivel Flange fitting was used. See more of this project here.

  7. DIY Trellis

  8. In this project, Peter used Kee Klamp to build a custom wisteria trellis for his backyard patio. The main fittings in this project include the 45 Degree Single Socket Tee and Side Outlet Elbow. Here's what Peter had to say about the project:

    'The following pictures are of a pergola or climbing frame I built from your system for a very vigorous wisteria vine in the historic district of Frederick MD. The vine previously had a light frame which was in constant danger of collapse, especially in windstorms and from snow accumulations. Your system supports a grid of lighter garden stakes and netting for the vine to work itself around.'

  9. Front Porch Shade Structure

  10. This shade structure acts more as a design piece but nevertheless does provide some shade to the front porch of this small house. The main fittings in this project include the 90 Degree Elbow and Flange fitting. A full write up on this project can be found here.

  11. Porch Awning

  12. This awning extends from the side of the house and mounts to the ground. The main fittings in this project include the Single Socket Tee, Flange, and Swivel Flange.

  13. Translucent Roof Canopy

  14. This project features a translucent roof that diffuses sun light and adds just enough shade to this sitting area. Important fittings in this project include the Flange and Crossover fitting.

  15. DIY Attached Canopy

  16. Here we have a canopy that was built by Tamer in Cliffside Park, New Jersey. The design takes after many of the trellis designs we have seen built by our customers. However, a tarp can simply be placed over top of the structure to provide shade to the patio. Fittings in this project include the Standard Railing Flange, Single Socket Tee, Four Socket Cross, and Swivel Flange.

  17. Deck Canopy

  18. This project was built by Sean in Leominster, Massachusetts. It's a free standing canopy with a tarp over the top pulled tight to add some shade to this deck. A few of the fittings used in this project include the Flange and the Eave Fitting.

  19. DIY Shade Wall

  20. This shade wall was built by Lynn in Freehold, New Jersey. This type of project can be great to block sunlight from a specific direction. The fittings in this project include the M50 fitting and Malleable Plug. The M50 is used to attach the canopy to the pipe supports. The Malleable Plug is used to cap off the exposed end of pipe at the top of the supports.

    If you want to add some shade to your porch, patio, or deck, try browsing our list of fittings to discover how you can build your own shade structure using Kee Klamp.

    If you have any trouble or would like some assistance creating a custom design, feel free to reach out to our team for help. Our team is experienced in designing and building Kee Klamp projects. We'll even go so far as to create a 3D drawing of your project so you can see what it will look like before you buy.

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Kerillian Shade Build

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